You don’t have to be a scientist to do science.

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Join Rosetta@home

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By running Rosetta@home on your computer when you're not using it you will speed up and extend our efforts to design new proteins and to predict their 3-dimensional shapes. Proteins are the molecular machines and building blocks of life. You can read more about protein folding and design here.

Follow us on Twitter: @rosettaathome

Rosetta@home is not for profit.

Join Ralph@home to help improve this project.


User profile Profile Oliver Marienfeld
I'm a German mid-age male, father of two children and living in the southern part of Germany. I love computers, books, sports and water. I've started...


Predictor of the day: Congratulations to Syracuse University for predicting the lowest energy structure for workunit JHR_b2_01903_c....
3 Aug 2023, 0:00:00 UTC · Discuss

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As of 3 Aug 2023, 23:02:16 UTC [ Scheduler running ]
Total queued jobs: 12,301,582
In progress: 712,205
Successes last 24h: 571,934
Users (last day ): 海外加速器永久免费版
Hosts (last day ): 手机免费加速器
Credits last 24h : 100,129,860
Total credits 免费加速器: 107,044,756,299
TeraFLOPS estimate: 1001.299


Switch to using SSL (Secure Socket Layer)

We updated our project to use SSL. The project URL has thus been changed to You can reattach the project using this updated URL at your convenience. Please post any issues regarding this update in the discussion thread.

1 May 2023, 21:25:30 UTC · Discuss

Help in the fight against COVID-19!

With the recent COVID-19 outbreak, R@h has been used to predict the structure of proteins important to the disease as well as to produce new, stable mini-proteins to be used as potential therapeutics and diagnostics, like the one displayed above which is bound to part of the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein.

To help our research, we are happy to announce a new application update, and thanks to the help from the Arm development community, including Rex St. John, Dmitry Moskalchuk, David Tischler, Lloyd Watts, and Sahaj Sarup, we are excited to also include the Linux-ARM platform. With this update we will continue to make protein binders to SARS-CoV-2 and related targets using the latest Rosetta source.

Thank you R@h volunteers for your continued support to this project. Your CPU hours are used not only to accurately model the structures of important proteins, but to design new ones as well. Let's band together and fight COVID-19!

More details will be available in the Discussion of this news post.

3 Apr 2023, 3:45:24 UTC · 免费海外加速器破解版

Designing shape-shifting proteins


Thank you to all R@h participants who provided much of the computing used in a recent study published in PNAS describing the design of proteins that adopt more than one well-folded structure, reminiscent of viral fusion proteins.

For more infomation, click here.

19 Mar 2023, 0:47:01 UTC · Discuss

Rosetta's role in fighting coronavirus

Thank you to all R@h volunteers for your contributions to help accurately model important coronavirus proteins. The collective computing power that you provide through R@h helps academic research groups world wide model important protein structures like these.

From a recent IPD news post:

"We are happy to report that the Rosetta molecular modeling suite was recently used to accurately predict the atomic-scale structure of an important coronavirus protein weeks before it could be measured in the lab. Knowledge gained from studying this viral protein is now being used to guide the design of novel vaccines and antiviral drugs."

Since the release of SARS-CoV-2 genome sequences in late January, a number of important corona virus proteins like the one described above have been modeled on R@h volunteer computers. A list of these proteins is provided by the Seattle Structural Genomics Center for Infectious Disease (SSGCID).

24 Feb 2023, 18:19:59 UTC · Discuss

The Audacious Project

As you may have heard, the 加速器免费版 was recently selected as part of The Audacious Project. This large-scale philanthropic collaboration, which is the successor to the TED Prize, surfaces and funds projects with the potential to change the world.

As a result, we are expanding our Seattle-based team of scientists and engineers who will work together to advance Rosetta, our software for protein design and structure prediction. The funding will also allow us to invest in the equipment, supplies and lab space needed to design and test millions of synthetic proteins.

What challenges will we be tackling? Watch my TED talk to find out.

All of this work — like everything we do — will depend on you, the participants in Rosetta@home. Whether it’s creating custom nanomaterials or safer cancer therapies, we rely on the Rosetta@home distributed computing platform. We cannot thank you enough for taking the time to be a part of this exciting research, and we hope you tell at least one friend that they too can play a role in the protein design revolution just by running Rosetta@home.

Thank you,

David Baker
Director, Institute for Protein Design

16 Jul 2023, 22:18:18 UTC · Discuss

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